Theme Style

General Color :

Header Line Style :

Go to Light Layout

You can change more color settings with Theme Options


Notification with Approve Icon

You can add unlimited notification boxes easily with our shortcodes. iceMag Theme contains so many powerful shortcodes to design your site easily

Notification with Error Icon

You can add unlimited notification boxes easily with our shortcodes. iceMag Theme contains so many powerful shortcodes to design your site easily

Notification with Warning Icon

You can add unlimited notification boxes easily with our shortcodes. iceMag Theme contains so many powerful shortcodes to design your site easily

Notification with Info Icon

You can add unlimited notification boxes easily with our shortcodes. iceMag Theme contains so many powerful shortcodes to design your site easily



Notification Easy Shortcode
[Notification type=”approve” content=”[h3]Lorem ipsum dolor sit consectetur adipiscing elit[/h3]Nunc vitae sapien et quam ornare porttitor aliquam ac ante. Donec pellentesque, ipsum non hendrerit commodo, erat dui consectetur sapien”]